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Tuesday, December 19, 2023

A Prayer for My Coworkers

 Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who mercifully restores my soul within me. Great is Your faithfulness. 

Every day, we walk and work and live among people who know and people who don't know You. Every day You provide an opportunity to encourage and care for our fellow humans. Help us capitalize on that opportunity. 

For my fellow believers, strengthen our commitment to You and Your love. Allow us to channel the grace and forgiveness we receive daily. Help us reflect the Light of Christ instead of the darkness of the world. Help us support one another in our devotion to You. 

For my fellow humans who do not know You yet, change their hearts daily to become aware of their need for You. Change my heart to feel compassion instead of impatience. Give me courage to live Jesus daily at all times in all seasons. Give me eternal eyes to see Your future. 

Strengthen families. Cement spousal relationships into true partnerships of love and respect. Provide hope in a fallen world that You are present and working under the surface to change hearts and lives. Allow no pain to enter a life except that necessary to drive people into Your arms for comfort and healing. 

Protect the children as they enter a dangerous and corrupt world. Allow them innocence with strength. Give them purpose in a dark world. Be real to them, Lord, as only You can. 

Give us today our daily bread. Multiply the blessings of a generous heart. 

In Jesus' name. 

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