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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Tickle

I woke up this morning with The Tickle.

You know it. That little itch in the back of your throat next to your inside nostril that says, "Hey! Guess what? You're about to get sick! Mwahahahaha!"

I haven't been sick in a long time. I attribute it to my fanatical devotion to Vitamin D (recommended by a homeopathic pharmacist - oxymoron, I know) several years ago. I made it through The Racking Cough and Sore Throat Epidemic of 2010 when everyone in my office except me got sick for about six weeks on average. I did not gloat. I was too busy doing everyone else's job to gloat.

I might have guessed when I fell asleep at 8:30 last night and didn't wake up until after 4 AM. That's unusual, even for me.

I might still get around it. I've got my Airborne. I've got my cold medicine. With critiquing done, I can go to bed early (after feeding the cats, of course) and catch up on my sleep. I have plenty of greens in the freezer, and some bagels to toast for croutons, so Portuguese soup, here I come!

First, I have to make it through the busiest week of the year, which, knock on wood, wasn't too bad yesterday. Three days to go.

Stay well, dear readers. Wash your hands, don't put your fingers in your eyes, and get plenty of sleep.

You might want to give me a wide berth for a few days, just in case.

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