Been one of those weeks when the hits keep coming. I'm asking for prayer. Let me know how I can pray for you while I'm closeted with the Big Guy.
The hard stuff:
Second Dad was diagnosed with melanoma. He and Mom are on their way to MD Anderson for additional tests, prognosis and possible treatment.
I was served with a city code violation for -get this- "weeds, annual grasses and vegetation more than 12" tall." Since 95% of my yards are spring-blooming perennials more than 12" tall, I can only assume the code officer doesn't know what those look like. I have until Sunday to appeal, "correct" the problem, or face $499 fine and 179 days in jail for non-compliance. I'll be calling today for more details on the situation.
I have a problem at work that I am both responsible for and completely unable to control that has made my eyes numb from stress for the first time in three years. It won't kill me, but it's trying.
I now have two cats turned finicky eaters: Simon and Toffee. I am about ready to kiss them both good-bye and let them starve to death.
The cough is back. I believe this is week eight, but, frankly, I'm too tired to count.
The good news:
The weather is supposed to be nice until Sunday. I have a handy friend with a chainsaw and a chipper who is helping me tidy up (since I doubt the garden awareness of the code officer, we're trying to make it look more like what people expect to see in a garden instead of my "prettyish little wilderness").
I have super, supportive bosses who are ultimately in charge and act like it.
I've lost 5 lbs and the desire to eat, so the cats and I can starve to death together in a final bonding ritual.
All the house guests are gone home. I'm hoping this will solve some of the not-eating issues.
The cough mostly shows up morning and evening, so it doesn't keep me awake and doesn't interfere with work.
Thank you for your prayers. Let me know how I can pray for you.
Monday, October 10, 2016
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Robyn -- thanks so much for sharing and being honest. I will pray for you and your family, including the kittens. Since you asked, I have been diagnosed with a radial scarring in my right breast. Biopsy showed it to be benign. A second lesion exists in the left breast and will be biopsied tomorrow. Surgery is likely either way, but hoping all is benign so that no chemo will be needed.
ReplyDeleteI will absolutely be praying. Mom is a fifteen year breast cancer survivor, with both breasts removed and replaced with a "tran-flap" plastic surgery that combines a tummy tuck with a boob job. If you ever visit, she'll be happy to flip her shirt up for you to ogle her doctor's handiwork. I've asked her numerous times to stop flashing people in restaurants but what can you do?