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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Heaven's Lounge Singer

This morning I had the great pleasure of listening to Wade Daniels, currently worship leader of First Southern Baptist Church of Bartlesville, OK. He was passing through our city on his way to a worship leader conference in KC and was gracious enough to stop in and lead our Sunday service.

I have never heard a worship leader like Wade. He originally came from Texas, but he could have come from Vegas. He was as comfortable with a piano as I am with a fork.

At one point, he asked for hymn requests from the congregation. Not only did he recognize every hymn by title, he had them memorized and played them in what I have to call "lounge singer style." They weren't just chords. They were dips, arpeggios, little chirpy notes for In The Garden - it was one of the most amazing things I've ever witnessed.

I do not understand music. The writing of songs is as foreign to me as math. I can pluck out a tune on a piano, but I will never play well. Not if I practiced every day for the rest of my life. I don't have it in me.

God created this beautiful world in all its diversity. He gives to each as He sees fit. I'm just glad when one of His own decides to give back that I am there to witness it.

If I don't see Wade again in this life, I know I will be visiting his mansion in heaven. His room will have a piano and possibly some tiki torches, and he'll have to throw me out when it's time for bed.

Thank you, Wade, for using your gift.

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