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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Direction at Last?

I was told if I want to get published, I have to blog.

No, I don't, I thought.

I was told, serious authors must blog.

No, they don't, I thought.

I was told, blogging is fun.

How could it possibly be fun? I scoffed.

Actually, blogging isn't that bad. Yet.

So far, it is kind of fun to write a brief essay on a topic of my choice. I haven't run out of ideas.
On the other hand, this is my sixth post. Anybody can think of six essay ideas. I think.

After a week of writing, I am having new thoughts. Thoughts like I should pick a direction. Why would anyone other than Mom want to read this? If I were a famous author, what would I write about that other people would want to read?

Setting up the blog was a new experience. I started with a heading and one entry.

The next day, I looked at some other blogs and what they had going on. I added another entry to begin to explain myself.

After my third entry, I noticed I had infinite choices on what to do with this page. Again, I looked to other blogs and why I bothered reading them. What need did they fulfill for me?

Four times I started "About Me" and backed away. What should people know? What was TMI (that's Too Much Information, Mom)? Those who know my narcissistic tendencies may find it hard to believe, but I want this blog to be interesting to someone other than me. That opens the question of who other than me would read this? I would hope they would be those who will one day read and enjoy my books.

If that is the case, what would they find interesting? What would I find interesting in a public journal of my favorite author? Advice? Plot spoilers? A reason to care about her newest project? A countdown of when the next book is available?

I started with a blog about nothing. I discover I want a blog about something.

Let me know if you agree.


  1. Robynn

    First, show the world your picture, not the cartoon you have here on your blog.

    Second, 'Nothing' existed once per our perception and existence, but not now. Consider the various levels of thought, knowledge, and reasoning. A thought about nothing is a thought about something, as you say. 'Nothing' is to be non-existent, which may appear true on one level, but not in totality. One has only to look and grasp with an open mind to see it all in magnificent totality. I know, I enjoy it!

    I like your blog!


  2. Good morning, Robynn!

    I didn't start out putting my picture on my blog. But then I realized, as a reader, I know that I want to know about my favorite authors, blog or book. And not just what they're doing in the literary world. Just normal everyday stuff too. And I figured, most people like to put a name with a face. So, as a writer, it was only fair that I put my picture on my blog as well. So I did.

    I would encourage you to put your picture on your blog. When people enjoy what you write, they'll want to put your face with your name. You're out there on Facebook -- go ahead and take the plunge and put a pic on your blog.

    And don't worry, you'll find what you want to blog about...all in good time. It doesn't all have to stay with a theme. You can blog about all kinds of things. You've made a marvelous start. I KNEW you'd like it!


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